Thursday, May 1, 2008

Yellow Bike Finals

***a thank you email ****
Dear Friends,
Don't know about y'all but I'm still surfin' the rad vibe wave of Saturday night! Thanks to everyone!! Everyone made it awesome, everyone IS awesome. I believe this was the most successful YB birthday party in history and dang, it was needed. A special thanks to USAA, the bands, the DJs, the makers of yellow bikes, the artists, the volunteers, and of course all the cyclists who keep this city fun!


p.s.feel free to send this token of appreciation on to anyone I may have missed (like, foot patrol).

Here's my final piece. Que Sera Sera.

Here is my final too many days late. i ended up using a razor to cut it out. It measures 12" X 24" Spray on Canvas.
Titled "This Bike Made in China"

1 comment:

RadioRadioRadio said...

if my art piece went for $100+, does that finally make me an "artist" or am I a wealthy crafter??? :-)